1.1.2 Introduction

Course subject(s) Module 1 – Introduction

In the course introduction it was explained that the course consists of four parts (introduction, semiconductor physics, optics, and solar cell engineering) which are divided into eight weeks.

Part 1 serves as an introduction to the field of photovoltaics, that deals with the conversion of light directly into electricity.  Part 1 consists of one week, in which we will tackle three main topics: energy in general, energy provided by the sun and the solar cell.

We will first take a look at the Sun and the spectrum of solar radiation. What are its properties? What kind of energy does it provide? This is our fuel source and we as photovoltaic engineers must understand it as best we can before designing devices and PV systems to harness its vast energy.

We will then look at the very basic concepts of a solar cell. Why can a solar cell convert light into electricity? What are the basic processes that are responsible for this effect? How is a solar cell built up? You will get a taste of this in the introduction week, but get ready to dive deeper into the physics afterwards.

By the end of this introductory module you will be able to explain what energy really means from a physics perspective and how we can convert incoming energy from the sun into useful electrical energy using solar cells.

Creative Commons License
Solar Energy Engineering: Photovoltaic Energy Conversion/ by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/solar-energy-engineering-photovoltaic-energy-conversion/.
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