1.1.5 Main Takeaways Multidisciplinary Research
Course subject(s)
Module 1. Introduction to Research
There are many different definitions of research. Within this course we use the definition of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the OECD:
Research is the creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge, including the knowledge of humans, culture, and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications.
[source: OECD]
Generally, we distinguish science into 4 fields:
Within research, disciplines can work together in different ways. A distinction can be made between:
Monodisciplinary Research: Research that involves a single discipline.
Multidisciplinary Research: Research that involves more than one discipline but without integrating the disciplines.
Interdisciplinary Research: Research that integrates relevant concepts, theories, and methodologies from different disciplines resulting in integrated results and insights.
Transdisciplinary Research: Research that integrates relevant concepts, theories, and methodologies from different disciplines resulting in integrated results and insights whilst working with stakeholders outside the academic world.

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