1.2.4 Further Reading on Language of Research

Course subject(s) Module 1. Introduction to Research

Required Reading

All materials listed in the required reading section of each module are considered part of the material we expect you to study before taking the quizzes and doing the assignments. We will list what to study for each part.

For more on the Language of Research, please study:

person readingthe Foundations Section of Trochim’s Knowledge Base,

a website dedicated to Research Methodologies

Recommended Reading:

All materials in the recommended reading section are not mandatory and do not form part of the material to be studied and are merely there for those of you who want to delve into the subject further.

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Efficient HVAC Systems by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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