1.3 Do it yourself

Course subject(s) 1. Balance Equation: our working horse


The next exercise is a ‘Do It Yourself’ exercise. This exercise might be different to what you would have expected in a class about a technological topic. An aspect that will also come back in module 4 is that we ask you to look around and find a solution in your direct surroundings.

In this part’s ‘Do it yourself’ exercise, we want you to step up away from your laptop, computer or tablet and take a good look around. There are so many things where a balance plays an important role. Some have already been shown in this course, but there are many more.

Choose something close to your environment and set up a balance. Components that should be included in your solution are:

– A short description and a sketch (you can upload a photo)

– What is the control volume? (you can indicate the volume in the photo)

– What is the key component of your balance?

– Are there in and out flows? If yes, point out what they are.

– Is there production? If yes, point out what it is.

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The Basics of transport phenomena by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/basics-transport-phenomena/.
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