1.7.1 Module 1 Recap

Course subject(s) Module 1. Governance and Regulatory Framework

In module 1, we presented the importance of governance and the need for a consistent regulatory framework. Smart City Governance aspects were introduced in the sections:

1.2  Smart City Governance Roadmap. It presents drivers and barriers to SSC development and practical recommendations to strengthen SSC governance capacity.

1.3 IT Governance decision, frameworks, and standards. It presents the importance of IT governance and existing frameworks and standards.

1.4 Legal Competences for SSC. This section highlights the importance of legal privacy protection in smart and sustainable cities.

1.5 Cybersecurity and Ethical Implications. This section presents the key concepts around cybersecurity, information security, and privacy.

1.6 Case Study: DO! Smart City. It presents the evolution of initiatives in the dissemination and articulation of actors in the SSC ecosystem in Chile.

This course’s first module explained the importance of governance and regulatory frameworks. In the following module, we will continue answering the WHY question (Why do cities need to become smart and sustainable?), focusing on the sustainable pillar of SSC.

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Smart and Sustainable Cities: New Ways of Digitalization & Governance by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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