2.0.2 Meet your instructors of Module 2 of IIES01x
Course subject(s)
2. Flexibility Through Energy Storage & Demand Side Management
Instructors from TU Delft
Dr. Milos Cvetkovic
Milos Cvetkovic is an assistant professor at the Delft University of Technology, in the Electrical Sustainable Energy department. He is a specialist in the modeling and simulation of energy systems with a particular focus on electricity grids. His research spans short-term modeling and simulation for control and operation of energy systems to long-term decision-making models for planning purposes.
Before joining Delft University, Milos was a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, USA, where he developed new market mechanisms for engaging prosumers in the electricity ecosystem. He obtained his Ph.D. and MSc degrees from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, USA.
Milos is active in several Dutch national and European projects which have focused on integrating more renewable energy into our electricity grids. Some of these projects develop smart controllers for renewable energy resources, others design new market mechanisms.
Areas of Expertise:
- Energy Storage
- Smart Power Grids
- Renewable Energy Resources
- Simulations of Electricity Grids
Dr. Simon Tindemans
Dr. Simon Tindemans is an Assistant Professor in the Intelligent Electrical Power Grids Group at the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science of the Delft University of Technology. In his research, Simon investigates statistical approaches to risk management for power systems – at the intersection of electrical engineering, (computational) statistics, and computer science. He is an active member in several IEEE task forces and working groups under the Risk, Reliability, and Probability Applications Subcommittee of the IEEE Power and Energy Society.
He previously worked as a Research Fellow and Marie Curie Intra-European Fellow at Imperial College London, UK. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from Wageningen University in the Netherlands, for research in the domain of theoretical biophysics, undertaken at AMOLF in Amsterdam.
He is a lecturer on courses on uncertainty modeling and risk assessment of electrical power grids, and on the use of machine learning methods for the operation and planning of energy systems. He is an advocate of open science (open access, open data, and open-source).
Areas of Expertise:
- Defining and measuring risk in energy systems
- Quantification of aggregate energy flexibility
- Distributed control of large numbers of flexible energy devices
- Machine learning methods for data enrichment, filtering and imputation
- Construction complex system emulators using sampling and machine learning
Instructors from the Industry
Senja Boom
Senja Boom is a Toekomstmaker (Trainee) at Stedin, a Dutch Distribution System Operator (DSO). She is a sustainable energy expert with several projects under her name. At Stedin, Senja focuses on innovations in grid solutions.
At Stedin, she has contributed to the development of a hydrogen house in Stad aan ‘t Haringvliet, the development of grid flexibility solutions to solve grid congestion, and the development of the DSO’s strategy.
Senja obtained her Master’s in Sustainable Energy from TU Delft with her thesis on large-scale energy storage for a 1 GW wind park. Her specialization is energy storage in chemical bonds (Power-to-X-to-Power). She obtained her Bachelor’s in Sustainable Innovation with a specialization in sustainable energy from TU Eindhoven. She was a part of the board of the Delft Sustainable Energy Association, being the Commissioner of Education and a Vice President. She was also a part of CETT (Community of Energy Top Talents) as a community builder, organizing events to build connections between enthusiastic students and companies from the energy sector.
Areas of Expertise:
- Energy storage
- Congestion management
- Innovation management
- Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
Joel Bosrup
Joel Bosrup is the Founder and CEO of Wintersol Energy and Project manager of Energy Autonomous House at The Green Village at TU Delft.
Wintersol is a renewable energy storage start-up. Based in Utrecht in the Netherlands, the company aims to find practical solutions to bridge the supply-demand gap of renewables and reduce the dependence on fossil energy sources. The company is specialized in designing hydrogen storage technologies and domestic renewable energy systems to provide the maximum amount of renewable energy all year round. The company also specializes in the design of “intelligent” control systems to stabilize and mitigate the fluctuating energy output of renewable energy systems through integration with the electricity grid.
Joel holds a Master’s in Engineering Physics and a Bachelor’s in Business Administration, both from Lund University, Sweden.
Areas of Expertise:
- Renewable energy systems
- Energy storage
- Hydrogen storage
- Automation and control

Technology of Intelligent and Integrated Energy Systems by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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