2.1.1 What background knowledge do I need for this course?
Course subject(s)
2. Necessary Background Knowledge
A selection of material from the MOOC Engineering: Building with Nature 1x is presented here so that you can familiarize yourself with the necessary background knowledge. This material was developed and taught with a specific didactic strategy in mind. Participants experienced the diversity of perspectives that can be held on Building with Nature (via video’s), were enabled to identify their own ecological worldview, then observed and learned from eminent engineers and ecologists how they design, and finally proceeded to learn how to integrate engineering and ecological aspects in designing their own Building with Nature solutions. This led to the distillation of Hydraulic Engineering Design Principles and Ecological Design Principles, and the understanding that an ecosystem friendly integrated design process is different from a standard engineering design process.
Here, critical materials (video clips) from this learning journey are presented because you will need to understand them to grasp the course Beyond Engineering: Building with Nature 2x. The build-up of the argumentation is not presented. For example, where course participants ‘observed’ engineers designing storm surge barriers, dikes and breakwaters as a precursor to distilling the Engineering Design Principles, these H-principles are now simply presented. You are encouraged to bear this in mind as you work through the materials and to try to relate what you learn to your working or study experience.
Join us in exploring the complex problem and design space that opens up when engineers, ecologists and planners share knowledge and insights!

Beyond Engineering: Building with Nature by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/beyond-engineering-building-with-nature///.