2.7.5 Main Takeaways Research Ethics

Course subject(s) Module 2. Phases & Methods of Scientific Research

When doing research, it is important that you adhere to the ethical standards of research.  The following 7 ethical principles should be followed:

Wordcloud about rules and guidelines

  1. Respect your research subjects and protect them from physical, mental, and emotional harm.
  2. Risk-Benefit Analysis: Research should be worthwhile and provide value to outweigh any risks or harm.
  3. Non-Bias: Ensure your research is not biased and does not (even unintentionally) benefit one group over another.
  4. Informed Consent: Inform participants about the research and ask for their (signed) consent. Ensure participants can withdraw at any moment.
  5. Confidentiality and Data: Store your data in line with current data laws and maintain data confidentiality and anonymity.
  6. Integrity of Research: Be honest and transparent about your data, methods, and findings.
  7. Independence of Research: Avoid (potential) conflict of interests and declare funding and be transparent about your research.

In summary:

  • Follow ethical principles and guidelines
  • Check if you need to apply for ethical permission
  • Be transparent about your research

[Image: Xdfolio Pixabay, CC0]

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