3.1.1 Introduction to Topic 1

Course subject(s) 3. Why Beyond Engineering?

Why Beyond Engineering?                Icon Topic 1

After going through the Necessary Background Knowledge in Topic 0, you are now all familiar with the need to integrate ecological and engineering knowledge in developing ecosystem-friendly hydraulic infrastructure. You are familiar with the H-Principles (Engineering Design Principles) and the E-Principles (Ecological Design Principles). This topic moves on to explore why it is necessary to move Beyond Engineering in Building with Nature towards the S-principles (Social Design Principles). It explores why and when it is necessary to consider the social context.

The topic consists of the following videos:

  • Why Beyond Engineering? – a video by Prof. Jill Slinger
  • Deltas and Ports of the Future – a video by Prof. (em) Tiedo Vellinga about stakeholder inclusion in the expansion of the Port of Rotterdam in the Rhine-Meuse Delta, and
  • Do you want to make a difference?  – a video by Prof Tally Palmer.

The topic is closed with a reading on transdisciplinary learning.

Wishing you success in completing the first topic!

Creative Commons License
Beyond Engineering: Building with Nature by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/beyond-engineering-building-with-nature///.
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