3.1.3 Reading Material Typology Mix
Course subject(s)
Module 3: Typology Mix: Global Housing Design
In the previous video and activity, you have learned more about housing types and typology. At this point you must be already aware of the inter dependence between housing and social and cultural forces. Housing forms and human settlement patterns play a central role in defining the way we live and the way we relate with each other.
To delve deeper into the relation between housing and society, we invite you to go again to Archnet, the database of our partner, the Aga Kahn Trust for Culture and read an article written in 1980 by Riaz Hassan, included in the book of the Aga Khan Award for Architecture, 1980.
Hassan, Riaz. Housing and Society: Some Thoughts on the Role of Housing in Social Reproduction. In Housing: Process and Physical Form, edited by Linda Safran. Philadelphia: Aga Khan Award for Architecture, 1980.
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