3.1.3 Heat transfer – convection Introduction
Course subject(s)
3. Convection: mass and heat transport
Welcome back to the third week of Advanced Transport Phenomena! After the analysis of pipes and pipeline systems, we will now dive into heat transfer in combination with convection.
Is there a cup of coffee or tea on your table while you are reading this? You know it will cool down in minutes, perhaps you’re even waiting for it right now! Imagine you were to place this outside. Can you see what’s going on outside? Can you see what the wind is doing to the trees? Take a quick look! Are the leaves moving quickly or do they rustle? Can you see a flag? Is it hanging down or is it extended?
When the cup of tea is inside, it cools down so there is transport of heat. But, what if we were to place this hot cup outside? How would the wind influence this process? How would the wind effect the transport of heat? How can the use of the Nusselt number help our analysis? In this chapter, you will learn more about this.

Advanced Transport Phenomena by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/advanced-transport-phenomena/.