3.2 I Want To’s

Course subject(s) 3. Business Model Paths and Tooling

Looking for answers to your business needs? Have a look at what fellow entrepreneurs wanted for their business. I want to’s describe what an entrepreneur tries to achieve with his or her business model innovation. Each I want to is addressed by following two to three steps. In each step you apply a tool to help you solve part of the I want to. This way you will be able to select the right tool, or combination of tools, for your challenge. Going through the steps you get a solution for your I want to. This result can be used as a part of your business model innovation path.

Remember the example of Dutch start-up Zo Dichtbij in the video? They defined a path with six I want to’s to support their business model innovation focusing on I want to start a new business.

Below you find a list of I want to’s that are often found in practice:

By making clear what you want to achieve, you will be able to select the right tool. For each of these I want to’s, a path with steps and tools is available on the www.businessmakeover.eu platform.

To access one of them, please click the ‘View Details’ link below the desciption of the I want to-tool. You will be able to read the I want to description in full detail from there. To return to the overview of all the different I want to-tools, please click the small arrow pointing left next to the name of the tool. You can change the language by clicking one of the different language buttons on the top right of the frame below.

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The Value of Business Models by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/value-business-models/.
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