3.4 Mathematical model
Course subject(s)
3. Extending the model
Mathematical model
In Section 3.2 the mathematical model for the circuit was derived. I(t) is the current (in ampere), V(t) is the voltage drop over the capacitor (in volt). The derivatives and the constants were scaled, so the numbers for the simulations were of a reasonable size. For analytical calculations, this scaling is not necessary, so we will use the original variables.
where VB=5V, R=0.1Ω, L=4×10−9H, and for the capacitance, we start with C=0.5×10−9F.
On the next page you will investigate the equilibrium point and its type.
Mathematical Modeling Basics by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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