3.5 Papers

Course subject(s) 3: Technical and Legal Aspects

The potential of metadata for linked open data and its value for users and publishers
Author: Anneke Zuiderwijk, Keith Jeffery, Marijn Janssen 

In video 3.2, Keith Jeffery discusses metadata for open government data. This paper elaborates on the topics discussed by Keith Jeffery, and describes the potential of metadata for the publication and use of open data. The paper shows that using metadata with the appropriate metadata architecture can yield considerable benefits for LOD publication and use, including improving find ability, accessibility, storing, preservation, analysing, comparing, reproducing, finding inconsistencies, correct interpretation, visualizing, linking data, assessing and ranking the quality of data and avoiding unnecessary duplication of data. It suggests the Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) to build the metadata architecture and achieve the advantages. The authors of the paper explain an example of how the metadata architecture can be used in a particular scenario.

Brave New Open Data World?
Authors: Stefan Kulk, Bastiaan van Loenen

While there is a growing tendency to release all sorts of government data on the internet, video 3.3 shows that both governments and data users need to take into account various legal aspects of open government data.  Regarding the legal aspects, the authors of this paper explain that open data policies may be in conflict with the individual’s right to information privacy. It is not always clear if someone’s right to information privacy is violated, since technological developments and the increasing amount of publicly available data are blurring the lines between non-personal and personal data. Focusing on the European Union, the authors of this paper argue that these developments extend the reach of privacy regulation to open data, which may obstruct the implementation of open data policies in the European Union.

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Open Government by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/open-government/.
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