4.1.1 What is this module about?
Course subject(s)
Module 4. Managing Smart Sustainable Cities
Welcome to module 4. This module we will keep focusing on the how question. How can cities become smart and sustainable? Last module we presented some crucial definitions, tools, and benefits of planning SSC initiatives. Now that you know how to plan it, the project can begin. Hence, this module will provide a few useful tools and methods to make your implementation and SSC project manageable. Moreover, this section highlights the importance of innovation and how various approaches can be used to tackle an SSC transformation. Furthermore, some methods of citizen inclusion will be introduced, but this will be dealt with in-depth in the following module.
Therefore, this module is divided into the following sections.
4.2 – Methods and Tools for city management. This section shows methods and tools to deliver value for citizens, design thinking, lean thinking, stakeholder map prioritization, and others.
4.3 – SSC related project management. It exemplifies how proper project management leads to success. In addition, it presents the SSC project life cycle and related approaches.
4.4 – Introduction to Public Sector Innovation and Urban Transformation. It presents the definition and different types of Public Sector Innovation. Moreover, it describes policy trends associated to Urban Transformation.
4.5 – Sustainable digital and Urban Infrastructure. This section focus on the importance of knowledge creation as the primary purpose of cities and the implications depending on the city conceptualization and design.
4.6 – Introduction to Monitoring and Assessment. It presents concepts and benefits of monitoring and assessing SSC initiatives and proper indicator types.
4.7 – Case Study: Entrepreneurship, Optimism, and Knowledge creation in Medellín. It describes a case study that is a model growth and implementation reference of smart, sustainable city strategies based on optimism, knowledge creation, and entrepreneurship.
The learning objectives of this module are:
- Introduce tools and methods to help SSC management, contributing to inclusive, collaborative, and innovative initiatives.
- Identify the importance of public sector innovation and public administration in Urban Transformation.
- Identify indicators that allow evaluating the performance and results of SSC.

Smart and Sustainable Cities: New Ways of Digitalization & Governance by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/smart-and-sustainable-cities-new-ways-of-digitalization-and-governance/ /