5.1.1 Overview module 5

Course subject(s) Module 5. Stakeholder Engagement

As we have seen in the previous modules, one of the components and conditions for effective governance of SSC is stakeholder engagement.  This means: we have to ensure co-creation and co-design.
This is key for developing SSC.  Ultimately it is about ensuring that the public is in the driving seat and that they will have a better life.  For a teaser, see the next page (‘ meet Sam‘)!

In section 5.2, we will look at key aspects of successful stakeholder engagement and design principles for co-creation and co- design for the many complex problems faced by cities. We will further discuss ethical considerations (framework) that you can use to reflect on the process and the outcomes. We also have a web lecture with a lot of practical tips
Note that in this module, our starting point for stakeholder engagement is complex problems.  The characteristics will also be explained in this section.

In section 5.3 we will zoom in on SSC and emerging approaches and developments when it comes to stakeholder engagement:

  • E-participation and e-governance
  •  Collaborative governance in smart and sustainable cities.
  • Urban living labs.

Our case studies (section 5.4)  concern:

  • Participatory budgeting: setting priorities for the use of public funds with direct input from the citizens involved
  • “We are all Porto Alegro’: new jobs for garbage pickers in the informal sector.

The key to effective approaches to tackling wicked problems is creating a shared understanding between the stakeholders about the problem, and shared commitment to the possible solutions. This does not necessarily mean that there is complete agreement about the nature of the problem, but that the stakeholders understand each other’s positions well enough to have intelligent dialogue about the different interpretations of the problem, and to exercise collective intelligence about how to solve it. (Glouberman, S., & Zimmerman, B. (2002).

A nice example of creative stakeholder engagement :  reconstruction of Urban Blocks in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Citizens were asked to provide input how to make streets more attractive by playing a game: Mincecraft.

Below before and after the intervention!


Source: https://www.urbanet.info/gamification-in-urban-planning-participation-through-minecraft/

Our learning objectives for this module are:

  •  To know the conditions for successful stakeholders engagement and the design principles for co-creation and co-design
  •  To recognize the practical implications and various ways of e-governance
  •  To know  the conditions for effective collaborative governance
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Smart and Sustainable Cities: New Ways of Digitalization & Governance by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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