5.3.1 Additional Information
Course subject(s)
Module 5: Assessing Building with Nature Designs
You can find additional information on Building with Nature, including practical examples, in the following websites:
In the next tab, you will find additional information on Value Sensitive Design.
Articles we have cited
- Akçakaya, H. R., & Sjögren-Gulve, P. (2000). Population viability analyses in conservation planning: an overview. Ecological Bulletins, 9-21.
- Alpert, P., Bone, E., & Holzapfel, C. (2000). Invasiveness, invasibility and the role of environmental stress in the spread of non-native plants. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 3(1), 52-66. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1078/1433-8319-00004
- Ashkannejhad, S., & Horton, T. R. (2006). Ectomycorrhizal ecology under primary succession on coastal sand dunes: interactions involving Pinus contorta, suilloid fungi and deer. New Phytologist, 169(2), 345-354.
- Bélisle, M. (2005). Measuring landscape connectivity: the challenge of behavioral landscape ecology. Ecology, 86(8), 1988-1995.
- Boyce, M. S. (1992). Population viability analysis. Annual review of Ecology and Systematics, 481-506.
- Cullen, R., Fairburn, G. A., & Hughey, K. F. (2001). Measuring the productivity of threatened-species programs.Ecological Economics, 39(1), 53-66.
- D’Antonio, C., & Meyerson, L. A. (2002). Exotic plant species as problems and solutions in ecological restoration: a synthesis. Restoration Ecology, 10(4), 703-713.
- Daehler, C. C. (2003). Performance comparisons of co-occurring native and alien invasive plants: implications for conservation and restoration. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics, 183-211.
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- Gunderson, L. H. (2000). Ecological resilience–in theory and application. Annual review of Ecology and Systematics, 425-439.
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- Kay, J. J., & Schneider, E. D. (1992). Thermodynamics and measures of ecological integrity Ecological Indicators(pp. 159-182): Springer.
- Lotze, H. K., Lenihan, H. S., Bourque, B. J., Bradbury, R. H., Cooke, R. G., Kay, M. C., . . . Jackson, J. B. (2006). Depletion, degradation, and recovery potential of estuaries and coastal seas. Science, 312(5781), 1806-1809.
- Mengak, M. T., Rutledge, H. E., & McDonald, B. (2009). Ecological Principles – A Unifying Theme in Environmental Education. Journal of Extension, 47(5).
- Mitsch, W. J., Zhang, L., Anderson, C. J., Altor, A. E., & Hernández, M. E. (2005). Creating riverine wetlands: ecological succession, nutrient retention, and pulsing effects. Ecological Engineering, 25(5), 510-527.
- Peterson, G., Allen, C. R., & Holling, C. S. (1998). Ecological resilience, biodiversity, and scale. Ecosystems, 1(1), 6-18.
- Possingham, H., Lindenmayer, D., & Norton, T. (1993). A framework for the improved management of threatened species based on population viability analysis (PVA). Pacific Conservation Biology, 1(1), 39-45.
- Pusceddu, A., Gambi, C., Manini, E., & Danovaro, R. (2007). Trophic state, ecosystem efficiency and biodiversity of transitional aquatic ecosystems: analysis of environmental quality based on different benthic indicators.Chemistry and Ecology, 23(6), 505-515.
- Rabouille, C., Mackenzie, F. T., & Ver, L. M. (2001). Influence of the human perturbation on carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen biogeochemical cycles in the global coastal ocean. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 65(21), 3615-3641.
- Sheaves, M. (2009). Consequences of ecological connectivity: the coastal ecosystem mosaic. Marine Ecology, Progress Series, 391, 107-115.
- Sklar, F. H., Costanza, R., & Day, J. W. (1985). Dynamic spatial simulation modeling of coastal wetland habitat succession. Ecological Modelling, 29(1), 261-281.
- Sousa, W. P. (1979). Experimental investigations of disturbance and ecological succession in a rocky intertidal algal community. Ecological Monographs, 49(3), 227-254.
- Stohlgren, T. J., Binkley, D., Chong, G. W., Kalkhan, M. A., Schell, L. D., Bull, K. A., . . . Son, Y. (1999). Exotic plant species invade hot spots of native plant diversity. Ecological Monographs, 69(1), 25-46.
- Suarez, A. V., Bolger, D. T., & Case, T. J. (1998). Effects of fragmentation and invasion on native ant communities in coastal Southern California. Ecology, 79(6), 2041-2056. doi: 10.1890/0012-9658(1998)079[2041:EOFAIO]2.0.CO;2
- Vold, T., & Buffett, D. A. (2008). Ecological Concepts, Principles and Applications to Conservation, BC. (pp. 36).
- Voorendt, M.Z. (2015). The ‘Delft design method’ for hydraulic engineering. Technical report, Delft University of Technology. Delta Technology, Design & Governance Series. Bee’s Books, Amsterdam. ISBN/EAN: 978-90-74767-19-4
- Wearn, O. R., Reuman, D. C., & Ewers, R. M. (2012). Extinction debt and windows of conservation opportunity in the Brazilian Amazon. Science, 337(6091), 228-232.

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