5.4.6 Main Takeaways Project management

Course subject(s) Module 5. Reporting & Managing Research

Steps in Research Planning

Gantt chart showing three kinds of schedule dependencies (in red) and percent complete indications.

  1. Divide research in work packages,
  2. Determine deadline or project length,
  3. Determine interdependencies between work packages,
  4. Subdivide work packages in smaller activities, including iterations,
  5. Determine interdependencies between smaller activities,
  6. Assign a time period to each activity,
  7. Identify Milestones and Deadlines,
  8. List all non-workable days,
  9. Plot in Gantt Chart.


  • Start to Start: The preceding activity must begin before the next activity can begin.
  • Finish to Start: The preceding activity must end before the next activity can begin.
  • Start to Finish: The preceding activity must begin before the next activity can end.
  • Finish to Finish – The preceding activity must end before the next activity can end.


[Image by Garrybooker et al. on wikipedia.org, Public Domain]

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Efficient HVAC Systems by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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