6.2.4 Big Discussion: The Future of Models in Architecture
Course subject(s)
Module 6 – The Full Picture
Before we move on to the final Knowledge section in which we will discuss 3D printing, we would like to invite you all to participate in a big discussion.
With all the new content you have seen as part of this course, we would like to hear your views on the future of physical and digital models in architecture.
What do you think about these two ends of the spectrum; at one side ‘mindfulness’ in which people choose to (temporarily) exclude all media from their lives in order to focus on the realness of their body, mind and world; on the other side, augmentation of our lives with a world full of models and information, right at the tips of your fingers, between you and the physical world?
Also in a practical way, how will creative people work and live in the near future? Will we be expected to make a choice between either physical or digital? Is this about the ultimate question from the film ‘the Matrix’, to choose between the red pill and the blue pill? Or can we consciously mingle both ways of working with real stuff and models?
Hopefully this discussion will bring us all a step further in our views and preferences of a changing world. We would like to see you really contributing to this discussion. First read what others have posted, then react, add or ask something.

Models in Architecture by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/models-architecture-design-physical-digital-models/.