6.4.1 A deep learning tool to classify vehicles in Real Time (Serena-Coquimbo)

Course subject(s) Module 6. Considering digital innovation

In this section, we will have 2 case studies:

  • Monitoring Urban transport/congestion (Chile)
  • Urban Monitoring (Argentina)

Case study 1: deep learning tool to classify vehicles in Real Time- Serena-Coquimbo

The problem of vehicular congestion is transversal in all the cities worldwide.

Deal with it can be done by constructing new roads and/or by the management of the existing infrastructure for transport.

In the latter case, data is key. In Chile, this collection process was done manually.  This case study how the data can be collected by using   Edge  Artificial  Intelligence  (Edge  AI) to build a  scalable,  real-time data capture platform.

Image: video capture of  traffic 


In this document, you can find all the information on this case.

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Smart and Sustainable Cities: New Ways of Digitalization & Governance by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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