7.4.1 The Stakeholder-inclusive Approach Adopted by Sustainable Ports in Africa
Course subject(s)
7. Towards Coalition Building
The Sustainable Ports in Africa project is a joint research initiative led by Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), together with the University of Ghana (UG), the Free University of Amsterdam(VU), Wageningen University (WUR), IHE-Delft, Deltares, the Netherlands African Business Council (NABC) and many industry and business supporting parties. The project is financed by the Urbanising Deltas of the World (UDW) programme of the Dutch Research Council (NWO) under project number W07.69.206.
The following organisations are represented on the Advisory Board:
- Boskalis
- Ghana Ports and Harbour Authority, Tema Port
- Ghana Netherlands Business and Culture Council (GBNCC)
- World Wild Fund for Nature, the Netherlands
- Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment
- Dutch Development Bank (FMO)
- Witteveen + Bos
- Port of Amsterdam
The structured, stakeholder-inclusive, ecosystem-based approach applied to the case study of Tema Port Expansion is described in the material presented hereafter.
You may cite the material as:
Slinger, J.H. (2018). Learning a practical stakeholder-inclusive, ecosystem-based design approach. Technical Session (papers 1 – 4), 34th PIANC World Congress, 7 – 12 May 2018, Panama City, Panama.

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