7.6.1 CRMs and the SDGs
Course subject(s)
Module 7. Track III – Policy solutions
The United Nation Sustainable Development Goals are closely related to the CRM challenges. How is this interrelation working? We will learn more about this in the interview with Julian Hilton, Chair of the Sustainable Development Delivery Group of the UN Expert Group for Resource Management.
About our guest
Julian Hilton is Chairman of the Aleff Group, a spin-off technical and scientific consultancy founded in 1992 at the suggestion of the European Commission. Critical Raw Materials, such as rare earths and phosphates have been a focus of his work since the late 1990s, with related interest in valorising the tailings and residues associated with mining, processing and using them – end point, zero waste. He will talk about the connection between CRM and the SDGs.

Raw Materials: Managing Resources for a Sustainable Future by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://online-learning.tudelft.nl/courses/critical-raw-materials-managing-resources-for-a-sustainable-future/ /