Breakwaters and Closure Dams – Readings

Course subject(s) 01: Introduction 02: Positioning of the Subject 03: The Design Process 04: Considerations at System Level 05: Use of Theory 06: Data Collection 07: Stability of Randomly Placed Rock Mounds 08: Dynamic Stability 09: Monolithic Breakwaters 10: Wave Structure Interaction 11: Design Practice of Breakwater Cross Sections 12: Design Practice for Closure Dams 13: Construction Methods for Granular Material 14: Construction Methods for Monolithic Structures 15: Failure Modes and Optimization 16: Flow Development in Closure Gaps 17: Review

Breakwaters and Closure Dams

You need the updated edition of the book,  ‘Breakwaters and Closure dams’. It  is published by the VSSD.  This (hardbound) book of  is available via VSSD (VSSD-winkel, Leeghwaterstraat 42). The book costs €36.00  in the bookshop (ISBN 978-90-6562-173-3). For members of the VSSD there is a more than considerably reduced price. For membership-prices see the VSSD-website.  (note that the membership fee is less that the price difference, so it is worthwhile to become a member). Also an ePub version of this book is available (free of charge), however the formatting quality of this version is low.

The book is also available at 

If you have the 1st edition of the book (or the paperback edition), you still can use it. However, some parts are completely replaced. These parts can be found here.

The Rock Manual

A practical guidance on the use of rock in hydraulic engineering. Integrated approach to the planning & design process by considering a range of related parameters (e.g. availability & durability of materials; environmental implications; method of construction; future management strategy; economic factors) alongside the basic engineering requirements. Contents: Introduction; Planning & design; Material; physical site conditions & data collection; Physical processes & design tools; Marine & Inland waterway structures; Closure works; Construction aspects; maintenance; Appendices. Published in 2007 by CUR and CIRIA: ISBN: 0-86017-683-5; ISBN (13 digit): 978-0-86017-683-1; Pages: 1200. (£ 240, when ordered via CIRIA; € 250 when ordered via CUR, students may get a 25% discount; all prices excluding mailing costs, which are considerable given the weight of the book). Also a French version is available.

Here you can download the digital version of the manual

Coastal Engineering Manual

You can download the PDF, EM-1110-2-1100 with the following link.
Coastal Engineering Manual

Alternative links to the Coastal Engineering Manual:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3| Part 4| Part 5| Part 6| Annexes



Maak- en Meetnauwkeurigheden bij de uitvoering van baggerwerken en steenbestortingen

This book is available in Dutch only.

Maak- en Meetnauwkeurigheden bij de uitvoering van baggerwerken en steenbestortingen
Publicatie van VBKO, Havenbedrijf Rotterdam en Ingenieursbureau Rotterdam. In deze publicatie wordt aangegeven hoe bagger- en steenwerk opgemeten moet worden en met welke nauwkeurigheid dit gedaan dient te worden.

Here you can download the digital version.

Het Verjaagde Water


This book (in Dutch) is a classical piece of literature describing the closure of the breaches in the dikes of Walcheren (1944/1945) after allied air raids. Although the book is written as a novel, all factual information is painstakingly correct; the description of the characters is also fully in line with the real persons involved in those closures. It gives a good view on the relation between government, contractors and public (which is remarkably identical to this relation nowadays). This version has been annotated by Kees d’Angremond and Gerrit Jan Schiereck. The book is available in any bookshop (€ 44), but is also available for students via the VSSD (member price € 19.50).

See also the website of the VSSD

For Dutch speaking students specialising in this subject, reading this book is essential as cultural background to the subject.


Konter, L.J.M., Klatter, H.E., Jorissen, R.E. (1992).
Afsluitdammen: Regels voor het ontwerp
Den Haag: Rijkswaterstaat

Huis in ‘t Veld, J.C. (1987).
Closure of Tidal Basins
Delft University Press
isbn: 90-6275-287-X


External useful links

Startpage for downloading chapters of the Coastal Engineering Manual, by the US Army Corps of Engineers
Coastal Engineering Manual

Technical Notes published by the US Army Corps of Engineers in the field of coastal and hydraulic engineering

Coastal and river Engineering Support System: CRESS

VKC -Civil Engineering – Knowledge centres and research institutes – Water

Access to a general information systems for knowledge in the field of hydraulic engineering:Kennisbank Waterbouw
Delft International Coastal Engineering Assistant (DICEA)

Website of Xbloc, contains also technical information and background papers

Creative Commons License
Breakwaters and Closure Dams by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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