Flight & Orbital Mechanics – Readings
Course subject(s)
1. Flight Mechanics
2. Orbital Mechanics
3. Exam Practice
The lectures of AE2104-II cover material from two books. These books are not mandatory, but do offer background information on material covered in the lectures. The books used are ” Elements of Airplane Performance” by G.J.J. Ruijgrok, and ” Spacecraft Systems Engineering” by Fortescue, P., J. Stark and G. Swinerd.

From the book “Elements of Airplane Performance” the following paragraphs contain relevant material.
- Unsteady Climb – Paragraph 14.1, 14.2
- Minimum Time to Climb – Paragraph 14.3
- Turning Performance – Paragraph 12.1 – 12.4
- Take Off – Paragraph 16.1 – 16.3
- Landing – Paragraph 16.5 – 16.7
- Cruise – Paragraph 15.1 – 15.3, 15.5, 15.6
- Equations of Motion – Paragraph 14.4, 16.4, Chapter 3 appendix A

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