Course subject(s)
0. Getting Started with Understanding Nuclear Energy
The glossary provides a list of terms used in this course with their definitions. The different terms can be opened by clicking on the term.
Absorbed dose
The amount of energy absorbed per unit mass, expressed in gray (Gy)
As Low As Reasonably Achievable
Alpha decay
A decay mode in which the nucleus emits an alpha particle
Alpha particle
A particle consisting of two protons and two neutrons, which is emitted from a nucleus in alpha decay
The smallest particle of a chemical element that can exist
Atomic mass unit
A unit of mass used to express atomic and molecular weights, equal to 1/12 of the mass of a carbon-12 atom
Atomic number
The number of protons in a certain nuclide
The gradual loss in intensity of radiation as it passes through a medium
Attenuation coefficient
A coefficient used to express how easily particles or radiation can penetrate a material
A unit of area most commonly used to express nuclear cross sections
Beta minus decay
A decay mode in which the nucleus emits an electron and an antineutrino after converting a neutron to a proton
Beta plus decay
A decay mode in which the nucleus emits a positron and a neutrino after converting a proton to a neutron
Boiling Water Reactor
A type of reactor in which steam is generated inside the primary loop to drive a turbine directly
A type of electromagnetic radiation (photon) produced when a charged particle is decelerated by another charged particle
A measure of the amount of fissile material used in a reactor expressed in gigawatt-day/tonne (GWd/t)
A physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force in an electromagnetic field
Chart of nuclides
A graph containing all known nuclides
The layer of material separating the nuclear fuel from the coolant
Compound nucleus
The temporary combination of an incident particle and the target nucleus after a collision
Compton effect
The decrease of the energy of a photon, as a result of the inelastic scattering of this photon with an electron
Control rod
Rods of neutron absorbing material that can be inserted into the reactor to control the fission rate
The material used to extract heat from the nuclear fuel
Coulomb barrier
The energy barrier due to electrostatic interaction that two particles need to overcome so they can get close enough to undergo a nuclear reaction
Covalent bond
A chemical bond, which involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms
Delayed neutron
A neutron emitted by one of the fission products after a nuclear fission event
Deterministic health effects
Health effects for which a threshold is believed to exist and which vary in severity with the dose
The calculation and assessment of the radiation dose received by the human body
Effective dose
The tissue-weighted sum of the equivalent doses for all tissues and organs in the human body
Effective multiplication factor
The ratio between neutron production and neutron losses (absorption and leakage)
A particle that is emitted during a reaction
An elementary particle with a negative charge, which orbits the nucleus of an atom
Electron capture decay
A decay mode in which the nucleus absorbs an electron from its shells and emits a neutrino after converting a proton to a neutron
A species of atoms having the same number of protons in their nuclei
Endothermic reaction
A reaction in which the system absorbs energy from its surroundings
The process used to increase the concentration of a fissile isotope
Epithermal neutron
A neutron with a kinetic energy higher than 0.2 eV, but lower than 1 MeV
Equivalent dose
The dose absorbed by a certain tissue, summed over all types of radiation, expressed in sievert (Sv)
Exothermic reaction
A reaction in which the system releases energy to its surroundings
Fast breeder reactor
A nuclear reactor that creates more fissile material than it consumes
Fast fission factor
The ratio of the total number of fission neutrons and the number of fission neutrons from thermal fission alone
Fast neutron
A neutron with a kinetic energy of 1 MeV or higher
Fast non-leakage probability
The probability that a fast neutron will not leak out of the reactor
Fission neutron
A neutron that is a product of a fission reaction
Fission products
The nuclides that result from a fission reaction
Fission reaction
A type of reaction in which a nucleus splits into smaller parts
Fuel pellet
The smallest unit of nuclear fuel in a typical reactor
Fuel rod
A long cylindrical tube of cladding material filled with fuel pellets
Gamma ray
A photon emitted spontaneously by a nucleus
The unit used to express the absorbed dose
The time required for half of an initial amount of radioactive material to decay
Infinite multiplication factor
The effective multiplication factor of an infinitely large reactor (no leakage possible)
Ionization density
The number of ionizations per unit path length caused by ionizing radiation
Ionizing radiation
Radiation consisting of particles or electromagnetic waves with sufficient energy to cause ionization in the medium through which it travels
All nuclides with a certain mass number, but a different atomic number
Isomeric transition
A decay mode in which a nucleus in an excited metastable state emits a gamma ray
All nuclides with a certain neutron number, but a different atomic number
All nuclides with a certain atomic number, but a different neutron number
Light Water Reactor
A group of reactor types that use regular water as the coolant and neutron moderator
Macroscopic cross section
The probability that a particle will undergo a reaction with another particle or nucleus in a certain volume
Mass defect
The difference between the mass of a composite particle and the sum of the masses of its parts
Mass number
The number of neutrons and protons in a certain nuclide
Mean free path
The average distance travelled before a particle undergoes an interaction
Microscopic cross section
The probability that a particle will undergo a reaction with a single other particle or nucleus
An elementary particle that interacts only through the weak force and gravity
A subatomic particle with no charge and a mass of approximately 1 atomic mass unit
Neutron capture
A nuclear reaction in which a nucleus and one or more neutrons collide and merge to form a heavier nucleus
Neutron current density
The number of neutrons crossing some unit area in a certain direction per unit time
Neutron density
The number of neutrons per unit volume
Neutron flux density
The path length covered by neutrons per unit volume per unit time, calculated by multiplying the neutron density and the neutron velocity
Neutron moderation
The process of slowing fast neutrons down to thermal energies
Neutron number
The number of neutrons in a certain nuclide
Neutron poison
A material (nuclide) with a large absorption cross section for neutrons
Neutron reproduction factor
The ratio of the number of fast fission neutrons produced by thermal fission and the number of thermal neutrons absorbed in the fuel
Nuclear binding energy
The energy required to disassemble the nucleus into its component parts
Nuclear fission
A reaction in which a nucleus splits into two smaller parts
Nuclear fusion
A reaction in which two or more nuclei merge to form one or more different nuclei.
Nuclear reaction
A process in which two nuclei, or a nucleus and a subatomic particle collide to produce one or more nuclides that are different from the nuclide(s) that began the process
One of the particles of a nucleus; either a neutron or a proton
The dense region at the center of an atom, consisting of neutrons and protons
One-group approximation
An approach to solving the neutron transport equation by assuming all neutrons have the same energy, and therefore velocity
Pair production
The process in which a high energy photon is converted into an electron and a positron
Particle density
The average number of particles per unit volume
Photoelectric effect
The complete transfer of energy from a photon to an electron, which is more than the electron binding energy of the material
An elementary particle, which is the quantum of electromagnetic radiation
An elementary particle, which is the antiparticle of the electron
Pressurized Water Reactor
A type of reactor in which the primary loop is under such high pressure that the water remains liquid
Prompt neutron
A neutron emitted immediately by a nuclear fission event
A subatomic particle with a positive charge and a mass of approximately 1 atomic mass unit
The amount of energy released by a certain reaction
Radiation dosimeter
A device that measures exposure to ionizing radiation
Radiation weighting factor
A dimensionless factor used to obtain the equivalent dose based on the type of radiation absorbed
Radioactive decay
A process in which an unstable nucleus releases energy by emitting radiation
The relative susceptibility of cells, tissues, organs, and organisms to the harmful effect of ionizing radiation
A measure of the deviation from a critical condition
Reactor pressure vessel
The metal vessel containing the reactor core and coolant
Resonance escape probability
The fraction of fission neutrons that manage to slow down from fast to thermal energies without being absorbed
The unit used to express the equivalent dose
Slow neutron
A neutron with a kinetic energy similar to that of atoms in its environment (less than 0.2 eV)
Spontaneous fission
A decay mode in which the nucleus splits into two parts
Stochastic health effects
Health effects which occur by chance (e.g. cancer, genetic effects)
Theoretical density
The density a material would have if no porosity was present
Thermal non-leakage probability
The probability that a thermal neutron will not leak out of the reactor
Thermal utilization factor
The probability that a neutron that gets absorbed does so in the fuel
Tissue weighting factor
A relative measure of the risk of stochastic effects that might result from irradiation of a specific tissue

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