Integrated Water management – Readings
Course subject(s)
01. Integrated water management – Introduction
02. The warming up of the Rhine
03. The Volta
04. Scenarios and Tools
05. Stakeholders
06. Transboundary Water Management
07. Water, Food and Energy
08. IWRM Revisited
Reading material Volta
The next articles are readings concerning the Volta Basin.
- Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulics and Fishing Resources(2003), Action plan for integrated water resources management in Burkina Faso (Pagire), Décret N° 2003 – 220
- Andreini, M., Vlek, P. and Giesen, N. van de (2002) Water sharing in the Volta basin. Friend 2002 – Regional Hydrology: Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice (FRIEND 2002—Regional Hydrology: Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice (Proceedings of the Fourth International FRIEND Conference held at Cape Town, South Africa, March 2002). IAHS Publ. no. 274, 2002.)
- Directory of Development Organizations (2006). Guide to international organizations,governments, private sector development agencies, civil society, niversities, granmakers, banks, microfinance intstitutions and development consulting firms, vol 1a/Africa
Reading material Rhine
The next articles are readings concerning the Rhine.
- Rijkswaterstaat RIZA (2005) Quick scan warmtelozingen Rijnstroomgebied
- Rutte, M. (2006)Forecasting cooling water problems in the River Rhine, a feasibility study. Master thesis
- Mostert, E. (2009). International co-operation on Rhine water quality 1945-2008: an example to follow? Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 34, 142-149.
See for more for instance the Website of the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (much also in English, French and German), (monitoring data), the Websites of the different national water management agencies in the basin countries (mostly in the national language) and for instance Google scholar ( Information on the Water Framework Directive can be found in for instance the inception report of the i-Five project (
This program, CropWat, was developed by the FAO. You can use it to calculate water needs and water consumption of different crops under different climates, soils, and management strategies. You can download this software at the FAO website.

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