Risk Analysis
Course subject(s)
6. Safety and Risk Analysis
- Faber M.H. and Steward M.G(2002). Risk assessment for civil engineering facilities: critical overview and discussion. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 173–184
- Ale, B.J.M.(2005). Tolerable or Acceptable: A Comparison of Risk Regulation in the United Kingdom and in the Netherlands. Risk Analysis, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2005, p 231-241
- Slovic, P et al. (2004). Risk as Analysis and Risk as Feelings: Some Thoughts about Affect, Reason, Risk and Rationality. Risk Analysis, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2004 p 311-322
- Cost Benefit Analysis:
- Eijgenraam et al. (2000) Evaluation of Infrastructural Projects: Guide for Cost-Benefit Analysis, Section I: Main Report. CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
- A.P. van Wezel et al, 2007. The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, MNP report 500122002/2007
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