SCD foundation


Course development and promotion
The Social Cohesion Design Foundation aims at developing and promoting the Social Cohesion Design Course at design institutes all over the world.
Global set up
To date contacts have been established with design insitutes in the Netherlands, Russia, Spain and the USA.

Social Cohesion Design Course

In the period 2010-2014 the social cohesion design foundation developed the SCD course and the so called 3-i Methodology. September 2014 the course will be officially presented by Clemens de Lange at the: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING AND PRODUCT DESIGN EDUCATION at the  UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE, THE NETHERLANDS.

Social Cohesion Design a New Design Methodology


Q Board Interviews

In 2011 the Social Cohesion Design foundation introduced the Q Methodology introduced as a research tool within designer practise and included the tool in the course Social Cohesion Design. In May 2014 Tjamme Wiegers will present his paper on Q Board Interviews an effective tool for designer research at the TMCE conferene in Budapest, Hungary.

International Multi Institutional Coordination


Contacts till date.
Moscow State University for Design and Technology, Moscow, Russia
University of Technology, St. Petersburg, Russia
Elisava Design Institute, Barcelona, Spain
Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco
University for Art and Design, Tallinn, Estonia
Technical University Alto, Helsinki, Finland
University for Design and Technology, Riga, Lethuania
Design University The Hague, The Netherlands
Design University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Willem de Koning Academy Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Technical University Twente, The Netherlands
ESDI design University, Sabadell, Spain
UPC, Barcelona, Spain
University of Technology, Madrid, Spain
Chula Long Korn University, Bangkok, Thailand
University Catolica , Lima, Peru
University of Leiden, Dept. of Human Science (Honors)
University of Utrecht, Dept. of Sociology.

International collaboration
The Social Cohesion Design Foundation aims at organising annual SC Design Evaluation Seminars.

Press & Media

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