Course subject(s) 1. What is your IMAGE|ABILITY ?

The topic of this module is “What is your IMAGE|ABILITY ?”

We will introduce two themes from language theory and sociology:

  1. Semiotics
  2. Cultural bias

You will learn that these themes are important when you develop images and if you want to be successful in your communication through images. This can be quite relevant to architects who need to present their innovative ideas on stage. However, this course is aimed at a much wider group of students and life long learners. Consider journalists who need to use info graphics in their publications, scientists who need to communicate about very small nano particles, or artists who would like to discuss the concepts in their work. You all might benefit from this course!

Creative Commons License
Image|Ability - Visualising the unimaginable by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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