Building on Complex Adaptive Systems theory and basic Agent Based Modeling knowledge presented in SPM4530, the Advanced course will focus on the model development process. The students are expected to conceptualize, develop and verify a model during the course, individually or in a group.
The modeling tasks will be, as much as possible, based on real life research problems, formulated by various research groups from within and outside the faculty.
Course structure
The course is taught using a wiki environment and can be found at the following adress:
During this course students work in this Wiki, altering and updating the information used. The Wiki is therefore highly dynamic in nature. This OpenCourseWare version offers a more static adaption from information used on the wiki. The slides presented on this OpenCourseWare version are equal to the ones used in the lectures at the university.
Below is a link to the introduction slides of this course and a paper about Developing Agent-based Models of Socio-technical Systems by the author of this course. You can find the different chapters in the menu on the left.
The lectures are structured to follow the 10 practical steps that need to be performed in order to creat, analyse and use a, Agent Based Model:
- Step 1: Problem formulation and actor identification
- Step 2: System identification and decomposition
- Step 3: Model formalisation
- Step 4: Behaviour identification
- Step 5: Software implementation
- Step 6: Model Verification
- Step 7: Experimentation
- Step 8: Data Analysis
- Step 9: Model Validation
- Step 10: Model Use
The main goal of the course is to learn how to form a modeling question, perform a system decomposition, conceptualize and formalize the system elements, implement and verify the simulation and validate an Agent Based Model of a socio-technical system.

Agent Based Modeling of Complex Adaptive Systems (advanced) by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at