
The Course has been split up in 17 modules. Each module has readings, video and/or assignments related to them. The modules correspond with the chapters in the book Breakwaters and Closure Dams. You will find the video’s in a separate page.

1. Introduction
2. Positioning of the Subject
3. The Design Process
4. Considerations at System Level
5. Use of Theory
6. Data Collection
7. Stability of Randomly Placed Rock Mounds
8. Dynamic Stability
9. Monolithic Breakwaters
10. Wave Structure Interaction
11. Design Practice of Breakwater Cross Sections
12. Design Practice for Closure Dams
13. Construction Methods for Granular Material
14. Construction Methods for Monolithic Structures
15. Failure Modes and Optimization
16. Flow Development in Closure Gaps
17. Review

Creative Commons License
Breakwaters and Closure Dams by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/breakwaters-and-closure-dams/.
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