Based on working on exercises on project decision making and planning, the specific context of working abroad in general and in developing countries in particular is illustrated, with regard to socio-cultural aspects, planning and financing of projects, roles of (consulting) engineers and contractors, local materials, techniques and knowledge and environmental issues.
Define projects in several phases of the project cycle (feasibility, identification, design and construction, evaluation, operational management) within their respective field of specialisation explain how other than civil engineering disciplines can contribute to project activities abroad distinguish different working environments for civil engineers abroad (management, design and construction, research, financing etcetera) distinguish main organisations involved in development aid at national and international level in terms of their goals, financing policies and actions recognise local working and living environments in socio-economic and technical terms

Civil Engineering in Developing Countries by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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