With a yearly increase in international students/phd and staff TU Delft is becoming more and more diverse and international. The heterogeneity in the classroom requires and acute awareness of the intercultural differences of the population, the TU Delft Educational Context and the impact on the role of the teacher in the International Classroom.
The teacher will have to reconsider his course material and teaching methods in relation to the international audience. He/she (the lecturer) will have to think about:
- The added value of working with an international student body
- The differences between an homogeneous groups and an internationally diverse group
- The central values embedded within the proper teaching style and how these values are conveyed to the students
- The difficulties of international teamwork for students and how to facilitate the students to obtain an optimal result?
- The assumptions with respect to grading
In this OpenCourseWare course “Diversity in Educational Settings” slides and assignments can be found, which are used in a train the teacher training for lecturers at TU Delft. In a workshop setting of three afternoons from 13.30-17.00 hours, lecturers are informed about relevant practical knowledge/skills derived from scientific research into and tacit knowledge on the international classroom. The slides are the backbone of many discussions and practical exercises, such as group-work/role-plays and cases.
Course Overview
- Introduction
An Appetizer: What is the international classroom all about? - Day 1: Exploring the hidden dimension teacher roles/student roles
Awareness of individual attitudes
Knowing your population - Course day 2: Exploring communication patterns
Analyzing communication patterns of the student population
Getting to know your role as a teacher in creating the learning environment - Course day 3: Exploring Group work/Conflict management
Learning the added value/pitfalls of International teamwork. E.g. What to do when conflict occurs?
Identifying working methods, which help students to acquire internationalization competencies.
The course materials can be used by professionals in intercultural communication or by lecturers/students interested in intercultural communication. They are primarily available as materials to start reflection unto the individual contexts of lecturers in an international higher education setting. The skills can only be acquired by following the accompanied course or other certified courses in this area.
Many of the materials are also available on the web. Therefore, the material is used with courtesy to those who made it initially available on the web. I’ll be happy to cross reference if any materials are recognized as being initially used elsewhere.

Diversity in Educational Settings by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://ocw.tudelft.nl/courses/diversity-educational-settings/.