This course is an introduction to power electronics. First the principles of power conversion with switching circuits are treated as well as main applications of power electronics. Next the basic circuits of power electronics are explained, including ac-dc converters (diode rectifiers), dc-dc converters (non-isolated and isolated) and dc-ac converters (inverters). Related issues such as pulse width modulation, methods of analysis, voltage distortion and power quality are treated in conjunction with the basic circuits. The main principles of operation of most commonly used power semiconductor switches are explained. Finally, the role of power electronics in sustainable energy future, including renewable energy systems and energy efficiency is discussed.

  • To get acquainted with applications of power electronics
  • To obtain insight in the principles of power electronics
  • To get an overview of power electronic circuits
  • Be able to select appropriate circuits for specific applications
  • To be able to analyse the circuits

The focus in the course is on analysis and to a lesser extent on design.

Creative Commons License
Electronic Power Conversion by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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