This version of the subject Technology Dynamics and Transition Management was taught in co-operation with the Harbin Institute of Technology in China. At the heart of this module lies a model of technology development from a social perspective, which will be applied to water problems in present-day China.

  • Able to identify and redefine technology-related problems in terms of dynamic socio-technological systems, i.e. problems in which developments of technology and society are intertwined.;
  • Able to analyze those problems and identify critical issues, room for decision and choices affecting future developments, considering the perspective of different parties involved, especially concerning safety, ethics and sustainability;
  • Able to devise integrated options for socio-technological solutions, acceptable for different parties involved, considering especially aspects of safety, ethics and sustainability;
  • Able to evaluate the adequacy of the proposed options, in view of the original problem, and of possible new problems created in the process.
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Technology Dynamics and Transition Management by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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