Finding, Using and Judging Information

The world wide web contains an unprecedented amount of information. As a result, finding this information, using it and judging its relevance and quality is now an art in itself. These information skills are important to todays students.

Information skills are necessary for researchers as well. Just think of questions such as: How do you draw up a search plan? What is copyright? What is the proper way to make citations? What knowledge centres are based at TU Delft? 

Tulib can help you to acquire these skills, by providing both basic and background information on these skills, devided on two levels:

  • Getting started: practical, step-by-step information and interactive exercises and instructions (need-to-know);
  • Learn more…: advanced subjects and interesting background information (nice-to-know).  

TUlib is a website constructed by TU Delft Library: Due to licence restrictions, some resources on the library website are only available on campus.

Creative Commons License
TULib by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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