1. About TU Delft OpenCourseWare

1.1. What is TU Delft OpenCourseWare?

TU Delft OCW initiative is to support and advance education by making high-quality content freely available on the Web for learners and faculty across the nation and the world. The TU Delft OCW initiative encourages the publication and free exchange of course materials on the World Wide Web.

The initiative started with a pilot phase (2007/2008).
During this period MSc-material from 6 different disciplines have been published.
The project will be continued in 2009 on the basis of the results of an internal and external evaluation.

1.2. Why is TU Delft doing this?

TU Delft is participating in the OCW initiative because of the following reasons:

  • Commitment to the goals of the Open Course Ware Consortium
  • The international reputation and orientation of TU Delft in both education and research
  • Sharing of knowledge and further development of international networks
  • The possibility to inform potential students, so that they:
  1. learn about the courses offered by the TU Delft
  2. understand the required prior knowledge and
  3. are able to prepare themselves in advance

1.3. How does TU Delft OCW differ from other types of web-based education, including distance learning?

TU Delft OCW differs from other TU Delft web-based education offerings in that it is free and open, does not provide university credit, and grants no access to university faculty. TU Delft OCW is not a distance learning initiative. Distance learning involves the active exchange of information between faculty and students, with the goal of obtaining some form of a credential. Increasingly, distance learning is also limited to those willing and able to pay for materials or course delivery. TU Delft OCW is not meant to replace degree-granting higher education or for-credit courses. Rather, the goal is to provide the content that supports an education, whether it be for professor, student, or self-learner.

Many individual faculty members at TU Delft and other universities already use the web extensively to make standard course materials available to their students. Some colleges and universities now require a website for every class. But to a large extent, these websites are designed for, and access is only provided to, the students enrolled at these institutions. OCW is an unprecedented effort of a much broader magnitude, as the goal is to provide course materials free to the world.

1.4. Who else is involved in the OCW initiative with TU Delft?

Visit other OpenCourseWare sites from around the world.

2. Using TU Delft OpenCourseWare Materials

2.1. How do I register to use TU Delft OCW course materials?

Because TU Delft OCW is not a distance learning or a degree-granting initiative, there is no registration process required for users to view course materials.

2.2. Where are the course materials?

The materials are available on the webpage for each course. Materials are grouped in standard ways. To find out what courses are available at this time, view complete course lists on the Course page. Once you have accessed a particular course homepage, the left-hand navigation bar will detail what materials are available for the course.

2.3. How can I use TU Delft OCW course materials?

Educators are encouraged to use the materials for curriculum development. Students can augment their current learning by making use of the materials offered, and self-learners can draw upon TU Delft OCW for self-study or supplementary use.

Course materials are licensed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International.
Course materials offered on the TU Delft OCW Website may be used, copied, distributed, translated, and modified, but only for non-commercial educational purposes that are made freely available to other users under the terms defined by the TU Delft OCW Legal Notice. TU Delft OCW materials require appropriate source attribution. Third party materials require permission from the appropriate owner.

2.4. What are the academic prerequisites to use TU Delft OCW materials?

Because TU Delft OCW is not a distance learning or a degree-granting initiative, there is no registration process required for users to view course materials. There are also no prerequisites for users who use TU Delft OCW course materials for their own learning.

2.5. I have seen (or I am/represent) an individual, organization, or institution that offers to teach TU Delft courses or tutor students based on TU Delft materials. Does TU Delft approve or recognize such individuals or organizations?

No, TU Delft has no relationship with, grants no special permission to, and does not approve, endorse, or certify any organizations, teachers, tutors, or other service providers who use educational materials available on the TU Delft OCW Website in connection with their services. Except for students admitted to TU Delft and enrolled at the University, TU Delft does not authorize the granting of any kind of degree, certificate, or other recognition for participation in or completion of any course of study based on or using published TU Delft course materials.

2.6. Can I/my organization state on our website or in our literature that we make use of TU Delft OCW course materials?

In accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons license used by TU Delft OCW, you must give credit to TU Delft and the faculty author of the course materials anytime you use TU Delft OCW materials. However, any reference to TU Delft University that claims or (in TU Delft’s sole judgment) gives the appearance or impression of a relationship with or endorsement by TU Delft, is prohibited.

2.7. Can I link to the TU Delft OCW Website from my website?

Links to TU Delft OCW or to courses or pages within the TU Delft OCW Website are permitted so long as the use of the materials associated with the link is permitted under the terms of the Creative Commons license used by TU Delft OCW, the link is freely accessible (e.g., no restrictions or fee for access) and there is no claim, appearance, or implication of an affiliation with or endorsement by TU Delft. TU Delft OCW cannot guarantee the persistence of any specific link other than those to the TU Delft OCW Homepage.

Most courses are on Masters level.

The courses represent the broad expertise of TU Delft in the field of engineering.

3.1. Why is there such variation in the breadth and depth of content presented on individual TU Delft OCW course websites?

Each TU Delft OCW course website is developed individually with the participating faculty and instructors. It includes as much of the TU Delft faculty member’s course materials as is available in a digital format, or can be cost-effectively prepared and is free of intellectual property and copyright restrictions. TU Delft faculty and instructors only participate voluntarily, and publish only as much content as they are comfortable having on a website that is freely accessible worldwide.

3.2. Why do some TU Delft OCW course webpages lack solutions to assignments, quizzes, and exams?

In some cases, solutions to homework assignments, quizzes, and exams are only discussed and presented in the classroom, and are not made available in print or electronic format to the students – or to the worldwide community of visitors to the TU Delft OCW Website. In other cases, the instructors plan to re-use in their TU Delft classroom the assignments, quizzes, and exams, and they do not wish to widely publish their solutions.

3.3. How can I contribute my own educational materials to TU Delft OCW?

The intent of TU Delft OCW is that our website should reflect the course materials being taught at TU Delft. However, we encourage other universities to create their own “opencourseware” in which materials from their courses would be posted online and openly shared with the world.

3.4. How can I make suggestions for other courses to add?

You can use the form on the Contact page to send us your suggestions.

4. Intellectual Property

The Creative Commons (CC) license protects the copyright holder’s works while encouraging certain uses of the works. TU Delft OCW has chosen the following CC license option which applies to most content published on the site: attribution, non-commercial, and sharealike. This allows for the reuse and the creation of derivative works as long as attribution to the original copyright holder is given and it is for non-commercial purposes. See Sections 4.2 and 4.3 for specific instructions for users wishing to use TU Delft OCW content.

4.1. Who owns the intellectual property published on the TU Delft OCW Website?

The course materials published by TU Delft are licensed under a Creative Commons license. Faculty retain copyright of their content. The terms of distribution and modification are determined by the authors and copyright holders during the content submission process. The intellectual property policies created for TU Delft OCW are clear and consistent with other policies for scholarly materials used in education. TU Delft retains ownership of certain materials only when significant use has been made of the University’s resources. If student course work is placed on the TU Delft OCW site, then copyright of the work remains with the student.

Faculty take final responsibility for their materials. It would be difficult for TU Delft OCW staff to guarantee the accuracy and originality of materials submitted for consideration. Prior to accepting any course materials for open publication, faculty are asked to review and verify ownership of the content submitted.

4.2. What are the requirements of use for TU Delft OCW materials?

Content published by TU Delft OCW may be used, copied, distributed, translated, and modified, as specified under the Creative Commons license.

TU Delft grants the right to anyone to use the materials on TU Delft OCW either “as is,” or in a modified form. There are three requirements that a TU Delft OCW user must meet to use the materials:

  1. Non-commercial: Use of TU Delft OCW materials is open to all except for profit-making entities who charge a fee for access to educational materials or otherwise use the materials or derivatives of the materials for commercial purposes.
  2. Attribution: Any and all use or reuse of the material, including use of derivative works (new materials that incorporate or draw on the original materials), must include an attribution of the original materials to TU Delft and, if a faculty member’s name is associated with the material, to that person as well.
  3. Share alike (a/k/a “copyleft”): Any publication or distribution of the original materials or derivative works which are based on these materials, including production of electronic or printed class materials or placement of materials on a Website, must offer the works freely and openly to others under the same terms that TU Delft OCW first made the works available to the user.

4.3. How do I properly cite my reuse of TU Delft OCW materials?

Content published by TU Delft OCW may be used, copied, distributed, translated, and modified, as specified under the Creative Commons license.

If you choose to reuse or repost TU Delft OCW materials you must give proper attribution to the original TU Delft faculty author(s). Please utilize the following citation “This material was created by or adapted from material posted on the TU Delft OpenCourseware website, ocw.tudelft.nl, and created by TU Delft faculty member (Name), (Title), (Year). TU Delft OCW is not responsible for any changes made to the original materials posted on its website and any such changes are the sole responsibility of [name of user/adapter].”

You must also include a copy of the Creative Commons license used by TU Delft OCW, with every copy of the TU Delft materials or the derivative work you create from it.

4.4. How does TU Delft define non-commercial use?

A non-commercial use is one that does not involve the assessment of a direct or indirect fee for use of the TU Delft OCW materials, or any derivation or modification of the TU Delft OCW material, or any other commercial exploitation of TU Delft OCW materials. All uses, reuse, and distribution of TU Delft OCW material, including works derived from TU Delft OCW material, must be attributed to TU Delft OCW and to the original authors where identified on the TU Delft OCW materials you distribute.

4.5. What do I do if I believe a portion of OCW material infringes my copyright?

TU Delft OCW, prior to making any TU Delft OCW materials publicly available, has asked its contributing faculty to confirm that they either own or have a license to use all included material.

TU Delft OCW will promptly remove any material that is determined to be infringing on the rights of others. If you believe that a portion of OCW material infringes another’s copyright, please contact us. If you do not include an electronic signature with your claim, you may be asked to send or fax a follow-up copy with a signature. To file the notification, you must be either the copyright owner of the work or an individual authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner. Your notification must include:

  1. Identification of the copyrighted work, or, in the case of multiple works at the same location, a representative list of such works at that site.
  2. Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing or to be the subject of infringing activity. You must include sufficient information, such as a specific URL or other specific identification, for us to locate the material.
  3. Information for us to be able to contact the claimant (e.g., email address, phone number).
  4. A statement that the claimant believes that the use of the material has not been authorized by the copyright owner or an authorized agent.
  5. A statement that the information in the notification is accurate and that the claimant is, or is authorized to act on behalf of, the copyright owner.


5. Faculty

5.1. Are TU Delft faculty required to participate in TU Delft OCW?

Participation of TU Delft faculty in TU Delft OCW is completely voluntary.

5.2. How do I contact a specific member of the TU Delft faculty?

TU Delft OCW is intended as a publication of TU Delft course materials on the Web, not as an interactive experience with TU Delft faculty. TU Delft OCW does not offer visitors to the Website the opportunity for direct contact with TU Delft faculty. Inquiries related to specific course materials will be forwarded to the TU Delft faculty member associated with that course for their consideration. However, due to the potential volume of email inquiries, it is unlikely he or she will answer all emails.

5.3. Will inquiries to TU Delft OCW be answered?

TU Delft OCW encourages users to provide comments on the site and the published course materials. The comments and constructive criticism of users will help the TU Delft OCW staff improve the site and published course materials as we continue to evolve. TU Delft OCW will respond via email to all constructive comments and inquiries.

6. Translation

6.1. Is it within the TU Delft OCW Use License to translate the course materials?

TU Delft requires that any TU Delft OCW materials translated into other languages from the original English or Dutch must be accompanied by the following disclaimer in the language into which they have been translated:

“These TU Delft OpenCourseWare course materials have been translated into [YOUR LANGUAGE] by [YOUR INSTITUTION] and TU Delft OpenCourseWare makes no representations or warranties of any kind concerning the materials, express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, or the absence of errors, whether or not discoverable. TU Delft OpenCourseWare bears no responsibility for any inaccuracies in translation. Any inaccuracies or other defects contained in this material, due to inaccuracies in language translation, are the sole responsibility of [YOUR INSTITUTION] and not TU Delft OpenCourseWare. The original English materials on which this translation is based may be found at [insert website address].”

7. Technology Requirements

7.1. What are the technical requirements for viewing TU Delft OCW course materials?

The majority of TU Delft OCW course sites work on both the Macintosh and Windows platforms. Although higher-speed connections are preferable, slower connections, such as 28K modems, should allow users to view most materials on the sites. However, downloading materials may take somewhat longer. TU Delft OCW has tested the course sites but it is likely that there will be problems with older browsers such as Netscape 4.75.

7.1.1. Screen Resolution

Viewing the TU Delft OCW Website is optimized for at least 1024 x 768 pixels.

7.2. Why does a PDF (Portable Document Format) not open correctly in my Acrobat 4.0 Reader?

The PDF documents offered on the TU Delft OCW Website are compatible with Adobe Acrobat 5.0 Reader or above. If you would like to view a PDF, we recommend downloading the most recent Acrobat Reader from the Adobe Website athttp://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/main.html. If you have a problem with a PDF, please contact us. In your message, be sure to include your version number of Adobe Acrobat, your browser type and version as well as what operating system you are using. Also, if you would identify the course, section and name of the PDF that would assist us in locating and correcting it.

7.3. How do I view video?

The video presented in the TU Delft OpenCourseWare are played from our Collegerama website which uses MediaSite Viewer.

8. Infomation Collected about Users

8.1. What are “cookies” and does TU Delft OCW make use of cookies on its Website?

TU Delft OCW’s use of cookies is designed to be unobtrusive, and we do not collect personally identifiable information through their use. We do collect the time you access a page, the page you access and information about your web address and browser. However, if you do not wish to accept cookies, the “Help” portion of the toolbar on most Web browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. Disabling cookies will in no way affect your access to content on the TU Delft OCW site.

8.2. What information does TU Delft OCW collect from visitors to the Website?

The information we learn from visitors helps us improve the TU Delft OCW Website, and assists our sponsors in evaluation of usage, access, and impact of TU Delft OCW on the worldwide educational community. TU Delft OCW collects the following information from visitors:

  • Information You Provide: We receive and store any information you enter on our website or give us in any other way such as when you submit feedback from the user survey on the site or contact us by email. This information may include your name and email address, your academic status, your institution, your geographic region, how you are using TU Delft OCW, and what you think of OCW. In all cases, any information you provide is strictly optional and voluntary and you may choose to use the OCW site without ever providing this information. If you voluntarily provide your email address or other contact information, we will not share personal information with anyone without first requesting your explicit permission to do so.
  • Automatic Information: We receive and store certain types of information whenever you interact with the TU Delft OCW Website. Examples of the information we collect and analyze include the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the TU Delft OCW site; computer and connection information such as browser type and version, operating system, and platform, and; content you viewed or searched for during your visit to TU Delft OCW. During some visits we may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, download errors, and length of visits to certain pages. However, none of this information is personally identifiable or linked back to you individually.
  • Email Communications: We maintain a list of interested visitors who voluntarily provide their email addresses.

8.3. Does TU Delft OCW share the information it receives?

Information about our site visitors is an important part of understanding and extending the impact of TU Delft OCW in the worldwide academic community. Individual personally identifiable information about users (name, email address, etc.) will not be made available to third parties without your permission, nor will it ever be used for commercial purposes. We may share user information with institutions interested in the “opencourseware movement”. We are committed to sharing what we learn in public forums, at educational conferences, and with other educational institutions. This may include aggregate data about usage of the site, feedback we have received, and the impact of TU Delft OCW on people throughout the world.

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Feedback Form OCW Website TU Delft

Help us improve the OCW website of TU Delft by answering a few short questions.
Filling out this survey will take approximately 5 minutes.


To the survey