In years past, there was hardly any job more hazardous than to sail the seas. These days, we take it for granted that cargo ships can safely navigate the seas – largely because of technological advances in marine technology. These same technologies make it possible to extract oil from the seabed and load it on to a tanker in high winds and heavy seas. If you are intrigued by the technologies that allow for the construction of highly complex modern ships, the exploitation of mineral wealth on the seabed, and other achievements of marine technology, TU Delft’s unique master’s programme may be just the programme for you.

TU Delft’s MSc Programme in Marine Technology (MT) – the only one of its type offered in the Netherlands – gives future engineers the knowledge and skills they need to handle the entire process of design, construction, production and operation of these ships and marine systems.

What you will learn

In the programme, MT engineers acquire a thorough understanding of basic engineering sciences and marine technology disciplines, and develop multidisciplinary problem-solving skills. As a participant in the programme, you will also select an area of specialisation from topics such as ship hydromechanics, ship and offshore structures, marine systems design and ship production, and will consider the various social and environmental impacts associated with marine technology applications.

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