B.F. Santos

Bruno F. Santos studied Civil Engineering at the University of Coimbra, in Portugal, and got his PhD in Transportation Systems Planning in 2009. He joined the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the TU Delft in 2013, after six years of teaching experience and being involved as a faculty in the Doctoral Program Transportation Systems of the MIT-Portugal Program.

Bruno is currently an Assistant Professor on Airline Operations and the interim head of the Air Transport and Operations research group at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering. He is also the Scientific Coordinator of ReMAP, a 6.8 Million Euro H2020 project on Condition-based Maintenance in aviation. He has been involved in many European granted projects and bilateral projects involving major industry stakeholders in the aviation sector.

Research Interest

With experience in optimization modelling and machine learning techniques, his research interests include:

  • Airline fleet planning under uncertainty;
  • Dynamic scheduling of operations;
  • Disruption management, including for flights, crew and maintenance operations;
  • Air cargo operations;
  • Aircraft maintenance planning and aircraft availability, with particular interest on Condition-based maintenance.
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