Cees van Rhee

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. Ir. C. (Cees) van Rhee obtained his MSc degree Civil Engineering (spec. fluid mechanics) in 1984 at the Delft University of Technology. He started his career at WL|Delft Hydraulics (currently known as Deltaris) where he was engaged with fundamental research for the dredging industry.
In 1990 he changed to HAM (currently Van Oord Dredging and Marine Contractors), a dredging contractor. At this company he was employed at the Research Department, Estimating Department and worked for two years in Hong Kong where he was responsible for the Production and Planning of one of the large land reclamation projects that were executed at that time.

From 1997 – 2001 he was posted for two days per week at the TU Delft where a PhD-research program, financed by the large Dutch dredging contractors, was executed. End of 2002 the PhD degree was obtained with honours.

From 2004 – 2007 he was head of the Dredging Research department of Van Oord.
In October 2007 van Rhee started as a professor for Dredging Engineering for the Master Offshore and the master Hydraulic Engineering at CiTG .


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