Conny Bakker

Dr. Conny Bakker is associate professor at the TU Delft, faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. She coordinates and teaches several courses in Sustainable Design and Circular Product Design. Her research field is Design for the Circular Economy, in particular the design and development of products that are used more than once (i.e. that have multiple lifecycles). She explores and develops design methods and strategies for product life-extension, reuse, remanufacturing and recycling, as well as the business models that enable these strategies.

A second research interest is the field of user centred sustainable design, which focuses on exploring the relationships between consumer behaviour, sustainability and design. Conny Bakker holds a PhD in ‘environmental information for industrial designers’, which she obtained in 1995 while working at the research organisation TNO.

Research Interest

Circular Product Design.
Sustainable design.
Behaviour, sustainability & design.

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