Prof. Frans van der Helm

Prof. dr. Frans C. T. van der Helm is professor in Biomechatronics and Bio-robotics, Delft University of Technology, and also adjunct-professor at the University of Twente, University Leiden, Northwestern University (Chicago) and Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland). He has a MSc in Human Movement Sciences (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 1985), and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering (Delft University of Technology, 1991).

Frans van der Helm was member of the board of the International Society of Biomechanics (2005-2009), and participated in the board of the Technical Group of Computer Simulation (TGCS) and the International Shoulder Group (ISG). He is one of programme leaders in the Medical Delta, the collaboration between Leiden Unversity Medical Center (LUMC), Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam and TU Delft.

Frans van der Helm was Principal Investigator in the TREND research consortium (2004-2011, ), investigating Complex Regional Pain Syndrome as a neurological disorder. Currently, he is the program leader of the NeuroSIPE (System Identification and Parameter Estimation in Neurophysiological systems, ) program and H-Haptics (Human centered Haptics, ) program, sponsored by the Dutch National Science Foundation. In 2011 he received an ERC advanced grant for a research project ‘4D EEG’, improving temporal and spatial resolution of EEG source localization.

In 2012 Frans van der Helm received the Simon Stevin Meester award ( ). The Simon Stevin Meester award is the most important award for technical/scientific research in the Netherlands, and is awarded to researchers who combine excellent fundamental scientific work with relevant societal issues and applications.

In 2012 Frans van der Helm received the ‘Leermeesterprijs’ as the most inspiring teacher and research supervisor of Delft University of Technology.

He has published over 200 papers in international journals on topics as biomechanics of the upper and lower extremity, neuromuscular control, eye biomechanics, pelvic floor biomechanics, human motion control, posture stability, haptic telemanipulation, man-machine interaction, automotive control, airplane, control, etc.

Secondary employment

  • Nulaanstelling bij university Leiden
  • Nulaanstelling bij university Twente
  • Adjunct professor Case Western Reserve University Cleveland
  • Adjunct professor Northwestern University Chicago


Key publications

  1. Van der Helm F, et al. (2002). Identification of intrinsic and reflexive components of human arm dynamics during postural control. J. Neuroscience Methods 119, 1-14.
    2.      Wu G, van der Helm FCT, et al.(2005). ISB recommendation on definitions of joint coordinate systems of various joints for the reporting of human joint motion – Part II: shoulder, elbow, wrist and hand. J Biomech. 38 (5): 981-992.
    3.      Wisse M, Schwab A, van der Linde R, van der Helm FCT (2005). How to keep from falling forward: Elementary swing leg action for passive dynamic walkers. IEEE Trans. on Robotics 21(3), 393-401.
    4.      Van der Kooij H, Van Asseldonk E, van der Helm FCT (2005). Comparison of different methods to identify and quantify balance control. J. Neuroscience Methods 145, 175-203.
    5.      Wisse M, Schwab AL, van der Helm FCT (2004). Passive dynamic walking model with upper body. Robotica 22: 681-688.
    6.      Schutte S,Van den Bedem S, Van Keulen F, van der Helm FCT, Simonsz HJ. (2006) A finite element analysis model of orbital biomechanics. Vision Research 46 (11): 1724-1731.
    7.      Stienen A, Schouten AC, Schuurmans J, van der Helm FCT (2007). Analysis of reflex modulation with a biologically realistic neural network. Journal of computational neuroscience 23 (3): 333-348.
    8.      Veeger HEJ, van der Helm FCT (2007). Shoulder function: The perfect compromise between mobility and stability. Journal of Biomechanics 40 (10): 2119-2129.
    9.      Schouten, A; De Vlugt, E; Van Hilten, J, van der Helm FCT (2008). Quantifying proprioceptive reflexes during position control of the human arm. IEEE Trans. on Biomed. Engin. 55(1): 311-321.
    10.   Mugge W, Schuurmans J, Schouten A, van der Helm F (2009). Sensory Weighting of Force and Position Feedback in Human Motor Control Tasks. Journal of Neuroscience 29(17), 5476-5482.
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