Prof. dr. Giovanni Bertotti

Following his MSc at the University of Pisa (Italy) Giovanni Bertotti got his PhD at the ETH Zurich working on the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the M. Generoso basin, a 20km wide and >8km deep extensional basin developed on the rifted margin of Adria and exposed in the South Alps (Italy and Switzerland).

Giovanni Bertotti then spent 1 year in N Africa tackling water-related problems in the Niger countryside. In 1991, his academic career started at the VU Amsterdam in the group of S Cloetingh. A great time linking (mainly field) data and numerical models. Case studies in the Carpathians, in Turkey, Morocco and more.

Since 2007 Giovanni Bertotti got more and more involved in research on fractured reservoirs; more applied, surely challenging and still very much linked to fundamental science issues. Between 2010 and 2015 he has being working the Delft University of Technology (60%) and VU Amsterdam (40%) working for a stronger integration between geologists and engineers. Since April 2015 he has left Amsterdam and is fully active in Delft.

Research Interest

Linking scales and disciplines.
Outcropping analogs of fractured reservoirs.
Post-rift evolution of rifted continental margin.


Professor at the department Applied Geology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology


PhD on the tectono-sedimentary evolution of the M. Generoso basin, ETH Zurich
MSc, University of Pisa, Italy

Recent publications

  • Gouiza, M, Hall, J & Bertotti, G (2015). Rifting and pre-rift lithosphere variability in the Orphan Basin, Newfoundland margin, Eastern Canada. Basin Research, 26, 1-20.
  • Abbas, TA & Bertotti, G (2012). Tectonic development of the Melut Basin SE Sudan. In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 10th Middle East geosciences conference and exhibition, Geo2012 (pp. 1-1). Houten: EAGE.
  • Aljuboori, F, Corbett, P, Bisdom, K, Bertotti, G & Geiger, S (2015). Using outcrop data for geological well test modelling in fractured reservoirs. In M Mozetic (Ed.), Proceedings of the 77th EAGE conference and exhibition, 2015 (pp. 1-5). Houten: EAGE.
  • Bertotti, G & Boro, H (2012). Combining numerical models and outcrop analog studies to enhance predictions in fractured atoll-like carbonate reservoirs. In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 10th Middle East geosciences conference and exhibition, Geo2012 (pp. 1-1). Houten: EAGE.
  • Bertotti, G & Bisdom, K (2015). Fracture networks, apertures and flow patterns in carbonates rocks from the surface to reservoir depths. In RF Broadhead (Ed.), Proceedings of the AAPG conference 2015 (pp. 1-2). Tulsa: AAPG.

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