Dr. Jan Anne Annema
Jan Anne Annema is assistant professor in Transport Policy Analysis at Delft University of Technology, in the Technology, Policy and Management faculty. His main interests are in long-term developments in transport, the environment, cost-benefit analysis and the practice of ex ante transport policy evaluation studies.
Until 2009 he worked at the Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis. He participated in different transport policy analysis studies, such as national transport outlooks, impact studies for new policy options to reduce CO2 emissions from transport and in studies aimed at dealing with uncertainty in the field of policy-making.
He completed his undergraduate studies in Chemistry at Utrecht University, The Netherlands in 1987 and received his Doctorate (PhD) from Delft University, the Netherlands in 2008. He was employed from 1988 to 2006 by the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, where he carried out numerous transport environmental impact studies for the Dutch government.
Research Interest
Transport Policy.
Spatial Planning & Mobility.
Assistant Professor at the Department of Transport and Logistics, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology
Recent publications
- Kok, R & Annema, JA (2013). Ommekeer in consumentengedrag bij aanschaf auto’s. Milieu Dossier, 19(juli), 47-49.
- Mouter, N, Annema, JA & Wee, GP van (2014). Managing the insolvable limitations of cost-benefit analysis : results of an interview based study. Transportation.
- Mouter, N, Annema, JA & Wee, GP van (2013). Ranking the substantive problems in the Dutch cost-benefit analysis practice. Transportation Research. Part A: Policy & Practice, 49, 241-255.
- Vonk Noordegraaf, DM, Annema, JA & Wee, GP van (2014). Policy implementation lessons from six road pricing cases. Transportation Research. Part A: Policy & Practice, 59(Januari), 172-191.
- Annema, JA & Mouter, N (2013). Improving the problem analysis in cost-benefot analysis for transport projects: an explorative study. In F Witlox (Ed.), Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days, Walferdange, Luxemburg, 30-31 May 2013 (pp. 356-366). Luxemburg: BIVEC-GIBET.