Dr Linda Kamp

Dr. Linda M. Kamp is assistant professor in Technology Dynamics & Sustainable Development at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft University of Technology. Her interest and expertise are the sociotechnical analysis of the implementation of sustainable energy technologies in developed and developing countries. She has published articles in leading international journals such as Energy Policy, Journal of Cleaner Production and Wind Engineering.

Linda Kamp teaches courses on sustainable technology development, analysis of and strategies for implementation of sustainable energy technologies, and transition management. Within the 3TU Master programme Sustainable Energy Technologies (SET), she has developed the Energy & Society track at TU Delft which she now coordinates. Within SET TU Delft, she is also Chair of the Education Committee.

Within the section Technology Dynamics & Sustainable Development, Linda Kamp is member of the Management Team and manager and coordinator of the section’s eductation activities.

Linda Kamp graduated in Technology and Policy (Utrecht University, 1996), where she completed a Masters thesis on the system-dynamic modelling of sustainable land use. After that, she completed a PhD thesis on the development of wind energy in the Netherlands and Denmark (Utrecht University, 2002). In this thesis, she developed a framework for the analysis of learning processes within technological innovation systems.


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