Dr. Ruud Weijermars

Dr. Ruud Weijermars’ research interests include modeling of the global energy system. His own contribution comes from the oil and gas sector, where bottom-up models give valuable insight in the ability of the petroleum industry to support the transition process to a sustainable energy system. He conducts original research in energy strategy, petroleum economics and geomechanics – integration of these disciplines is required to optimize oil and gas recovery. Weijermars, as the founding editor of Energy Strategy Reviews, emphasizes that everyone working in today’s energy business realizes the shortcomings and finiteness of fossil energy resources. The journal provides a peer-reviewed platform to foster solutions for making the transition to a sustainable energy system as fast as is practically feasible. Meanwhile, fossil fuels must fill the supply gap at a price level that allows a smooth energy transition such as not to derail the global economic system, while keeping the environmental footprint of anthropogenic energy supply systems within acceptable limits.

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