Dr. ir. Tom Savenije

Research Interests

Exciton transport in thin dye layers .
After absorption of a photon by a dye molecule in a thin film a bound electron-hole pair (exciton) is formed. The diffusion of this neutral species towards a photoactive interface is an essential step in an operative solar cell based on organic materials. Experimental techniques have been developed using a nanosecond tunable laser in combination with time-resolved microwave conductivity techniques to determine the diffusion coefficient and diffusion length. The research provides insight into the relation between the molecular structure and organization and the exciton diffusion.

Photo-induced charge separation at dye/semiconductor interfaces.

The conversion of light into charge carriers is the prime process for solar cells. On excitation of a dye molecule at the interface with a (nanostructured)semiconductor charge separation and eventually charge recombination may occur. The rate constants of these processes are determined by a number of parameters such as the driving force for charge transfer, and the electronic interaction between dye and semiconductor. By determination of the charge separation efficiency and recombination rate using time-resolved photoconductivity measurements these parameters can be quantified. Knowledge of these parameters may serve as a guideline to improve the efficiency of solar cells.

Charge transport properties in thin (in)organic semiconductor layers.

The study of (one-dimensional) charge transport in thin films of new (in)organic semiconductors is of interest in the development of FETs, LEDs and solar cells. To this end films are studied by light induced time-resolved photoconductivity measurements and by light-modulated photoconductivity spectroscopy.


  • 2004-          Deputy Department Head, Opto-electronic materials Section, DelftChemTech, Delft University of Technology
  • 2002-2004   Assistant Professor, Radiation Chemistry Department, Delft University of Technology
  • 1997-2002   Post doctoral researcher, Radiation Chemistry Department, Delft University of Technology
  • 1997-1997   Post doctoral researcher, Inorganic Chemistry, Delft University of Technology
  • 1992-1997   PhD Student at the Molecular Physics Department, Wageningen Agricultural University.,
    Thesis: “Artificial Photosynthesis: Towards the development of Molecular Photodiodes”, Promoter: Prof Dr T.J. Schaafsma.
  • 1986-1991   Undergraduate studies, Molecular Sciences, Wageningen Agricultural University.

Selected Publications

  1. Revealing the Dynamics of Charge Carriers in Polymer:Fullerene Blends Using Photoinduced Time-Resolved Microwave ConductivitySavenije, T. J.; Ferguson, A. J.; Kopidakis, N.; Rumbles, G.:
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 24085-24103 (2013)
  2. What Limits Photoconductance in Anatase TiO2 Nanostructures? A Real and Imaginary Microwave Conductance StudyFravventura, M. C.; Deligiannis, D.; Schins, J. M.; Siebbeles, L. D. A.; Savenije, T. J.:
    Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 8032-8040 (2013)
  3. Origin of Reduced Bimolecular Recombination in Blends of Conjugated Polymers and FullerenesMurthy, D. H. K.; Melianas, A.; Tang, Z.; Juska, G.; Arlauskas, K.; Zhang, F. L.; Siebbeles, L. D. A.; Inganas, O.; Savenije, T. J.:
    Adv. Funct. Mater. 23, 4262-4268 (2013)
  4. Mechanism of Mobile Charge Carrier Generation in Blends of Conjugated Polymers and Fullerenes: Significance of Charge De localization and Excess Free EnergyMurthy, D. H. K.; Gao, M.; Vermeulen, M. J. W.; Siebbeles, L. D. A.; Savenije, T. J.:
    J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 9214-9220 (2012))
  5. Influence of Phase Segregation on Recombination Dynamics in Organic Bulk-Heterojunction Solar CellsBaumann, A.; Savenije, T. J.; Murthy, D. H. K.; Heeney, M.; Dyakonov, V.; Deibel, C.:
    Adv. Funct. Mater. 21, 1687-1692 (2011)
  6. Temperature-Independent Charge Carrier Photogeneration in P3HT-PCBM Blends with Different MorphologyGrzegorczyk, W. J.; Savenije, T. J.; Dykstra, T. E.; Piris, J.; Schins, J. M.; Siebbeles, L. D. A.:
    J. Phys. Chem. C 114, 5182-5186 (2010)
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