Dr. Wim Ravesteijn

Wim Ravesteijn is a Responsible and Sustainable Innovation researcher and teacher. He is coordinating a Responsible Port Innovation research group, co-managing the TU Delft TPM China Cluster as well as the Scientific Coordinator of the joint TPM – Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT, China) Engineering & Policy Analysis student exchange and double degree master programme. He is a part-time Contract Professor at HIT and a Honorary Professor at Beijing Information Science & Technology University. His broad field of learning is Science, Technology and Society Studies focused on public works and urban planning from historical, cultural and global perspectives. He has done research into the design, construction and management of civil engineering works in the Netherlands East Indies and Indonesia and into Integrated Water Resources Management in the Netherlands, Europe and China. Topic of his present research is Responsible Port Innovation, especially in China, Indonesia and North-Western Europe.

Key publications

  • W. Ravesteijn, J.O. Kroesen, Design for Values in Water Management. In: J. van den Hoven, P. Vermaas, I. van de Poel (eds.), Handbook of Ethics, Values, and Technological Design. Springer 2015, Chapter 36
  • L. Song, W. Ravesteijn, Responsible Port Innovation in China. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, in press
  • W. Ravesteijn, J. He, C. Chen, Responsible Innovation and Stakeholder Management in Infrastructures: The Nansha Port Railway Project. Ocean & Coastal Management 100 (2014), 1-9
  • J.O. Kroesen, W. Ravesteijn, Values in Development: The Significance that Cultural Transitions have for Development. In: J. van den Hoven, N. Doorn, T. Swierstra, B-J. Koops, H. Romijn (eds.), Responsible Innovation 1. Springer 2014. Pp. 181-198.
  • I. Simanjuntak, N. Frantzeskaki, B. Enserink, W. Ravesteijn, Evaluating Jakarta’s Flood Defence Governance: The Impact of Political and Institutional Reforms. Water Policy 14 (2011) 4, 561-580
  • X. Song, K. Mulder, B. Frostell, W. Ravesteijn, R. Wennersten, Transition in Public Participation in Chinese Water Management. Engineering Sustainability: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers 164 (2011) ES1: 71-83
  • X. Song, W. Ravesteijn, B. Frostell, R. Wennersten, Managing Water Resources for Sustainable Development: The Case of Integrated River Basin Management in China. Water Science & Technology 61 (2010) 2, 499-506
  • W. Ravesteijn, J. Kop (eds.), For Profit and Prosperity: The Contribution made by Dutch Engineers to Public Works in Indonesia, 1800-2000. Zaltbommel/Leiden: Aprilis/KITLV Press 2008
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