Ziggy Lubkowski MSc

Ziggy Lubkowski is a charted civil engineer and recognized seismic expert at Arup. He is Arup’s seismic business and skills leader in the UK, Africa and the Middle East, with experience in civil, geotechnical and earthquake engineering. Ziggy Lubkowski has many years of experience in seismic design, analysis and assessment for a range of structures in the energy, infrastructure, manufacturing and humanitarian sectors. He has contributed to research and development projects at both Arup and several universities and has published numerous related papers. Ziggy Lubkowski is an elected member of the European Association of Earthquake Engineering (EAEE) executive committee and sits on the BSi 525/8 committee looking at development of geo-seismic issues for Eurocode 8.  He received in 2009 the Shamsher Prakash prize for excellence in practice of geotechnical earthquake engineering.

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