Block 2: Geometric Nonlinearity, Part II

Course subject(s) Block 2: Geometric Nonlinearity

This lecture is not taken from a classroom. Instead, the course teacher provides an explanation of how to apply the theory from the first lecture of this block to solve specific problems. This is protrayed by writing down the steps that lead to such a solution on the sheets, accompanied by a verbal explanation of what is written down on the screen. The main focal point of the lecture is the solving of a 2D structure with 1D elements, such as a truss.

After a short introduction of standard equations in vector format for finding base vectors and lengths, the transformation vectors for position, displacement and strains are derived for the instant space starting at 0:06:30 in the above video. For the state of strain the Green-Langrange tensor is used (see 0:22:16), after which the equations for the axial force and stress in the truss members can be derived. These are then applied to the general governing equations that were introduced in the previous lecture (0:29:05). Updating the general equations using the new information, turns them into specialised equations that cater to the solving of this particular set of problems.

The video ends with a summary of what has been dealt with so far, using the information that was written down throughout the video. This summary starts at 0:33:25.


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Non-Linear Structural Modeling by TU Delft OpenCourseWare is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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